Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Black History of the White House

I've come across a really interesting book that I thought would be fitting to introduce into my blog because...well, it is Black History Month. We have all seen pictures of probably the most recognizable landmark in the United States...definitely the most prestigious place to live. Most of us have never really thought about the Black History of this historic piece of real estate...which is truly unfortunate.

So, I am recommending a valuable, and enlightening read. I may make this a regular thing...a book of the month, if you will. NPR interviewed the accomplished author, Clarence Lusane. You can check that out here and also read an excerpt from the book.

A little about Detroit native, Clarence Lusane, Ph.D. - He is an author, activist, lecturer, and journalist. Lusane has lectured at about a dozen of the most prestigious universities in the United States. He has also lectured about U.S. race relations in about a dozen foreign nations. He has written for over 30 years on national and international politics, race-relations, policy, human rights, and social issues.

Please pick up this book and read it this month. There is no reason that we should remain ignorant of an important part of the history of such a monumental symbol of American dignity.

--As always, my standard is Author. What's yours?

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