Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Esperanza Spalding

I had to post on this because I am really annoyed with the negativity surrounding her groundbreaking Grammy win for Best New Artist. First of all, I personally had decided years ago that Grammy Awards were quickly losing their prestige because they were handed out to people I would hardly call artists. Just because someone will buy something that a person made, that doesn't make it art... nor the person who made it an artist. So, the trending topic on Twitter is everyone saying things to the effect of "Esperanza who?"

If you do not recognize this ARTIST, you have done yourself a disservice. She is a self-taught prodigy. She is a vocalist that plays multiple instruments. She has performed all over the world-- her first televised performance at age 4. She has more talent in her little finger.... literally, than many of the people who have won a Grammy in recent years. The Grammy committee got it right this time. Kudos!

Spalding brought some diversity to Grammy night. Though she won Best New Artist, she is hardly that. She is an accomplished, creative, multi-talented, professor, musician, vocalist, and a beautiful sister who has been performing professionally longer than any other artist nominated for the award. Although she grew up in a poor single-parent home, Esperanza has consistently used her gifts to climb higher and higher. Esperanza Spalding has been around for a while, and I don't think she is going anywhere soon.

Oh... by the way, for those of you who live under a rock, Esperanza Spalding was personally selected by President Barack Obama to perform at his Nobel Peace Prize ceremonies.

She also performed for a fellow authentic ARTIST, Prince, to honor him at the 2010 BET Awards.

...what? oh...you didn't know?

The Grammy Committee felt it appropriate to salute Esperanza Spalding... and though I have no award to give... I salute Esperanza Spalding for being an inspiration for greatness and for setting her own STANDARD.

--As always, my standard is Author. What's yours?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the problem, my friend, is trying to find intelligent discourse on "Twitter" in the first place. How can something called "tweets" -- named, perhaps, after a ten-year-old-child's cartoon character? -- which limit the user to less than 150 characters be expected to attract anyone who cares about intelligent discourse?

    Dumbed-down Americans playing with stupid gadgets can't be expected to bring us good critical thinking or artistic criticism.
