Friday, February 25, 2011

Motown Takes Over the White House

Motown mastermind, Berry Gordy, and Motown legends, Smokey Robinson and Stevie Wonder... among others, visited the White House in honor of Black History Month. These music heavyweights made their way there to give a music history lesson to over 100 children, from all over the country, who knew very little of Motown and its influential contributions to music, culture, and even politics.

The President and First Lady credited Motown with bridging racial gaps physically prior to the intellectual bridges that are now being built.

In Motown's prime, performers insisted that the ropes that divided a Black and White audience be removed.

I think that it is absolutely phenomenal that this event took place at the White House. Motown is a very important part of Black History, and the educational aspect that accompanied the entertainment at these White House events really reached out to children too young to be familiar with Motown and its impact. Motown was not just another record label... it was a movement all its own. Hats off to the President, the First Lady, and everyone at the White House who made this happen.

For more details, click here and here.

--As always, my standard is Author. What's yours?

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